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C# development in a FreeBSD jail?

While VSCode and DotNet generally works on FreeBSD, the “C# Dev Kit” does not due to the following issue: FreeBSD build of C# Dev Kit

Knowing that FreeBSD jails support running an almost full features linux system and also X11 apps, I was curious whether it would be possible to run VSCode including “C# Dev Kit” in a jail.

Here is what I learned.

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Book Review: Clean Craftsmanship: Disciplines, Standards, and Ethics

What is software craftsmanship?

Craftsmanship is the state of knowing, how to do something well and is the outcome of good tutelage and lots of experience.

– Robert C. Martin, Clean Craftsmanship

Book: Clean Craftsmanship: Disciplines, Standards, and Ethics

Clean Craftsmanship: Disciplines, Standards, and Ethics

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Book Review: Get Your Hands Dirty on Clean Architecture

I’ve been interested in software architecture, particularly in Clean Architecture, for many years. I discovered this book a while ago and kept it on my reading list until recently, when I finally found the time to read “Get Your Hands Dirty on Clean Architecture” by Tom Hombergs.

Book: Get Your Hands Dirty on Clean Architecture

Get Your Hands Dirty on Clean Architecture

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How to automatically cache response objects?

One of my web applications has quite some pages which show quite a bit of data.

In order to achieve smooth navigation between the pages, without bothering the user with progress indicators when the data of a page is loaded from the Web API every time the user navigates to a particular page, the data needs to be cached in the browser.

As most of the data is readonly, frameworks like Vuex or similar state patterns seem to be “too heavy” in this case.

Here is my simple approach to automatically cache the response objects from the Web APIs which provides great performance of the Web application without introducing much complexity.

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Auto freeze response objects with Axios interceptor

I didn’t investigated it on my own, but some research indicated that Vue.Js performs better when the objects bound to the UI controls are frozen. Of course, calling Object.freeze manually in every Vue.Js component is cumbersome and error-prone so here is how I automatically freeze all response objects I receive from my Web API using Axios.

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Running a PWA in an intranet

In the previous article I summarized how I used Docker to host a web application on my Raspberry PI. This successful experiment inspired me to start a new one: Let’s turn this “regular” web application into a Progressive Web App (PWA), only hosted and operating in my local network.

It turned out this experiment was a lot trickier than initially thought …

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My first Docker container


Even though Docker is popular already for quite a while, I never had an opportunity to give it a try. Until recently when I bought a Raspberry PI to host some web applications.

Of course, hosting these web applications directly on the PI would have been simpler and more efficient but then I still wouldn’t have any hands on experience with Docker.

Here is the summary of my first Docker experiment.

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Book Review: Feel Good Productivity

Since I am a software developer, I have been interested in increasing my productivity because there are always more things to learn, experiment with, and accomplish than I could possibly achieve.

Over the last two decades, I have read quite a few books, countless articles, and watched tons of YouTube videos on the subject.

So, when Ali announced his book, it was clear that I would get one.

Book: Feel Good Productivity

Feel Good Productivity

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Book Review: The Rust Programming Language

Everyone is saying: “When you want to learn about the Rust programming language then this is THE book to start with!”

Book: The Rust Programming Language

The Rust Programming Language

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Book Review: Functional Design

A book about functional design by Uncle Bob?

When I read about a new book by Uncle Bob on X, I was immediately excited because so far I had read almost all of his books and I love functional programming since years. A perfect match!

So I pre-ordered the book already march 2023 and immediately started reading when it finally arrived in january 2024.

Book: Functional Design: Principles, Patterns, and Practices

Functional Design: Principles, Patterns, and Practices

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What actually is Task<T>?

If you see such source code, do you immediately think of multi-threading?

What if I would tell you that Task<T> is nothing but a fancy delegate which is not coupled to threads at all?

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Lean BDD with Documentation Generation

FSharp, Gherkin, HTML

Behavior driven development (BDD) and the Gherkin language, first and foremost, are about collaboration and documentation.

The key idea is to specify the behavior of a software system by describing its features using concrete scenarios and examples. By describing the scenarios in the language of the domain and by doing this together with the domain experts, we ensure that each feature is completely covered by its scenarios and that each scenario is specified correctly.

Using this approach ensures that we build the right system.

We write the scenarios using the Gherkin language which is designed to be both, human and machine readable. By parsing the scenarios and automating its steps we turn the specification into executable test cases which verify that the implemented features behave as specified.

Using this approach ensures that we build the system right.

Now, reading raw Gherkin in an IDE is fine when developing and reviewing a particular feature and its scenarios. But when it comes to providing a long term specification, HTML has clear benefits over Gherkin with respect to readability of the scenarios and navigation between features.

For this reason I have added support for generating HTML documentation from Gherkin based feature files to the TickSpec extension TickSpec.Build.

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Lean BDD with even more Code Generation

FSharp, Gherkin, T4 templates

Just recently, I wrote about my BDD approach in one of my projects in this article. I have used this setup now for a while and it actually worked quite well for me but there is one thing which turned out to be quite annoying over time.

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Lean BDD and Code Generation

FSharp, Gherkin, T4 templates

As already mentioned in other posts, one of my projects is a web application which aims to bring maximum transparency into backlogs of agile teams. Over time this application grew quite a bit, accumulated quite some features and got used by more than two dozen teams.

Of course, one important strategy to ensure the quality of this application is test automation. I never followed the classic testing pyramid which is based on tons of classic unit tests but rather focused on describing features and scenarios in a kind of a BDD style.

Favoring pragmatic setups, I wrote those tests without any “real” BDD framework which worked quite well for quite some time, but in the recent weeks and months I realized that my setup needs some improvement.

So I decided to invest some time, do some evaluation and start migrating my tests to a “real” BDD framework using feature files written in Gherkin language.

And this is how my journey went so far …

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Book Review: Show Your Work!

What does software development mean to you? Is it an engineering discipline? It is called “Computer Science”, so is it a science? And what about the “software craftsmanship” movement? Or is it actually art?

Books by Austin Kleon

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