Implementing Clean Architecture - An Overview
02 Feb 2018Let’s briefly summarize what the Clean Architecture is …
Wait! Let me rephrase: Let others briefly summarize what the Clean Architecture is about …
(I really like the DRY principle so why should I repeat what others have put together nicely already ;-) )
- Uncle Bob’s original article on Clean Architecture. Of course this is the ultimate source. If you have not read it yet, do it right now!
- Better Software Design with Clean Architecture. Mark nicely introduces into Clean Architecture by showing code right away. If you thought Uncle Bob’s article was missing code then go through Mark’s post.
- clean-architecture-example is a GitHub project which describes Clean Architecture “by example”. It has great documentation and of course code :)
- Clean Architecture: Standing on the shoulders of giants explains Clean Architecture by comparing it other approaches like Hexagonal and Onion Architectures.
Brief enough?
Update 2018-04-08
- A Clean Architecture in .Net is a great post about realizing Clean Architecture in .Net in an Asp.Net environment - quite similar to my setup ;-) Definitively worth reading if you want to start implementing Clean Architecture.
The "Implementing Clean Architecture" series
- How to implement the Clean Architecture?
- Implementing Clean Architecture - An Overview
- Implementing Clean Architecture - Make it scream
- Implementing Clean Architecture - What is a use case?
- Implementing Clean Architecture - Of controllers and presenters
- Implementing Clean Architecture - Are Asp.Net controllers "Clean"?
- Implementing Clean Architecture - Frameworks vs. Libraries
- Implementing Clean Architecture - Case Study: Sending e-mails
- Implementing Clean Architecture - To use or not to use MediatR?