20 Jan 2018
This week I had a discussion with a colleague of mine about stakeholder conform communication.
The content of the discussion reminded me about the “2. Habit: Begin with the end in mind”.
This habit is one of seven from Stephen Convey’s great book
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

19 Jan 2018
Every now and then I come across questions on how to handle dialogs in MVVM pattern with WPF.
Honestly, most of the solution proposals I don’t like as they - from my perspective - somehow
“violate” the MVVM pattern.
Here is how I handle dialogs with MVVM pattern …
13 Jan 2018
Legal and privacy topics don’t have primary focus on a blog but also such topics are important …
12 Jan 2018
Now that I have my basic blog running I want to tune it a little bit …
12 Jan 2018
How did I set up the basics of my blog?
Of course there are endless very good posts out there about Markdown + Jekyll + GitHub Pages and I am not going
to repeat what others already have nicely documented. So let me just summarize my setup and referring to
others for more detailed explanations.
11 Jan 2018
How could one blog the pragmatic, the minimalistic, the “plainionistic” way?
For me the answer is simple: Use the “power of plain text” and write posts in Markdown ;-)
02 Jan 2018
After having it on the reading list for a long time and having been reminded to read it by several other sources
in the recent weeks I finally took the time get through

Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software
First, I have to admit: not an easy read - at least not for me. Of course the book is well structured and for
sure Eric knows what he is talking about but for me his language is more challenging to read as e.g. Uncle
Bob - more advanced English, longer sentences … but finally i made it ;-)
Now lets focus on content!
18 Dec 2017

Clean Architecture
As with every book by Uncle Bob it was fun to read it … so I finished it in 2 days ;-)
As the title states and in contrast to his other recent books this book is really focusing on architecture.
He clearly describes what architecture is about and what good architecture is, from his perspective.
Even if you have read his Clean Architecture article
already I strongly recommend reading the book. It goes much more into details and so brings more insights
relevant when you try realizing Clean Architecture in one of you next projects …
16 Dec 2017
As my expedition in the world of web development (especially client side web development) continued and my
JavaScript and HTML code base grew, I discovered that I wanted a JavaScript framework to support me.
After some research about Angular, KnockOut, React and Vue.js I finally decided for Vue.
Even though the Vue.js online documentation is really great and gave me a good and quick start I later decided
to look for a book to gain an even better foundation. I finally selected

Vue.js 2 Cookbook
01 Nov 2017
After having spent the recent weeks and months getting deeper into web development and especially into full
stack MicroServices (including non-monolith front-ends) I realized that it is time to read a book about
“client side development” in general to get a stronger foundation on state of the art development setups.

SurviveJS - WebPack
14 Aug 2017
Since a while now I am interested in MicroServices architectures, their benefits and how to implement them.
Recently I came across .NET Microservices: Architecture for Containerized .NET Applications
in The week in .Net and immediate read it.
Overall I think it is a really good book about the topic! Of course it focuses on Microsoft technologies
but that’s okay as this is anyway my primary playground ;-) The ~300 pages gave me quite good and “deep enough”
overview about the topics below and I really wonder whether I would need another book at all. And this one
is for free!
09 Aug 2017
Recently I read in The week in .Net about some new
e-books published by Microsoft about web, cloud and container development and one of these books was
Architecting Modern Web Applications with ASP.NET Core and Azure.
After I have read it I can say it is a rather small book which gives you a good but very basic overview
about ASP.Net Core MVC development.
21 May 2017
Do your web sites also look ugly because you have no clue about web design?
Bootstrap to the rescue! With Bootstrap you don’t need to be a web designer to give your web sites a
professional look and feel.
This book …

Unraveling Bootstrap
01 May 2017
In order to get my hands even dirtier with Web technologies I wanted to read more about Html5, JavaScript and
jQuery. And so I came across this book:

A Software Engineer Learns HTML5, JavaScript and jQuery
17 Apr 2017
Although being a professional software engineer for more then 15 years now, I never really dived into Web
development. That has changed recently. After having played around a little bit with pure HTML and some
Asp.Net WebForms I realized that I should build up some solid foundation in order to be able to build
maintainable and modern Web applications.
So I decided to read this book: