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Blogging with Jekyll - Introduction

How could one blog the pragmatic, the minimalistic, the “plainionistic” way?

For me the answer is simple: Use the “power of plain text” and write posts in Markdown ;-)

This allows me to focus on content and use my favorite IDE or text editor for writing … which makes blogging quite similar to coding :)

But of course you don’t want to read blogs in plain text on the web, right? The best solution out there is Jekyll. Jekyll is a tool which transforms plain text into static web sites. It is extremely powerful - due to the support of Ruby based text transformation plug-ins AND it is supported by GitHub pages - the perfect “blog hosting provider” for a pragmatic programmer.

When I started blogging this way some time back I didn’t knew anything about Jekyll so my blog was extremely minimalistic - not to say ugly. Over the time I explored the power of Jekyll and meanwhile I am quite happy with the look and feel of my blog.

In this series I will briefly describe how I set up my blog.

Tags: jekyll  blogging