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Blogging with Jekyll - Tags and Series

Now that I have my basic blog running I want to tune it a little bit …


Every blog needs tags. This gives the reader an easy way to find content related posts. After some research I found this great post about how to include tags in a Jekyll and GitHub Pages based blog:

Jekyll Tags on Github Pages

I basically follow exactly this description for my blog.

Nothing to add … ;-)


While tags allow connecting related blogs in an unstructured way, a “series of posts” have a clear ordering. This is not used as often as tagging but sometimes quite helpful to cut a longer story into shorter parts (usually no one wants to read a single blog post of 100 screen pages.)

Again after some research I decided to follow this nice post:

Jekyll Part 13: Creating an Article Series

I again follow exactly this description for my blog and I am pretty much happy with it.

Nothing to add … again … ;-)

Tags: jekyll  blogging