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Blogging with Jekyll - Legal and privacy

Legal and privacy topics don’t have primary focus on a blog but also such topics are important …

In some countries every website has to give a clear warning to the user if it is using cookies.

The easiest way to achieve this is to

  1. Create a “_includes/cookieconsent.html”
  2. Go to
  3. Configure, download and add your consent text to “_includes/cookieconsent.html”
  4. Include “_includes/cookieconsent.html” into your head.html

{% include cookieconsent.html %}


Even though you write a blog to share content with your readers you may have pages you don’t want to share with Google, e.g. imprint. In order to hide such pages just create a robots.txt your Jekyll root:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /impressum
Disallow: /impressum/
Disallow: /impressum.html 
Tags: jekyll  blogging