Tag: clean-architecture
Implementing Clean Architecture - To use or not to use MediatR? (20 Jan 2023)
MediatR is a popular library used in .NET to decouple components. In Clean Architecture the core of the application should not depend on third-party libraries and frameworks. Can we still use MediatR in a Clean Architecture project or is this violating the Dependency Rule? -
Implementing Clean Architecture - Case Study: Sending e-mails (02 Feb 2022)
This case study shows how a small feature could be designed according to the rules of Clean Architecture. We will explore which code should be located in which layer and how the different components will collaborate. -
Implementing Clean Architecture - Frameworks vs. Libraries (01 May 2019)
In Clean Architecture the Dependency Rule forbids usage of frameworks outside of the outermost circle. Does this mean that the usage of any third party API in the implementation of a gateway or repository is a violation to the Dependency Rule? -
Implementing Clean Architecture - Are Asp.Net controllers "Clean"? (18 Mar 2018)
In the Clean Architecture controllers belong to the "interface adapters" and bridge between UI framework and business rules. In Asp.Net controllers derive from Asp.Net base classes. By that, are controllers in Asp.Net violating the Dependency Rule? -
Implementing Clean Architecture - Of controllers and presenters (20 Feb 2018)
What is the role of the controller in Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture? What is the role of the presenter? How do I implement 'input ports' and 'output port'? Find answers to these and more questions in this post! -
Clean Architecture and Design (18 Feb 2018)
Uncle Bobs famous talk about Clean Architecture, its history and how it evolved. -
An Introduction To Clean Architecture (13 Feb 2018)
Repost from NDepend blog about introducing clean architecture -
Implementing Clean Architecture - What is a use case? (11 Feb 2018)
Clean Architecture is very much focusing on business by emphasizing use cases. But what is a use case? How big should it be? How does it interact with its environment? -
Implementing Clean Architecture - Make it scream (04 Feb 2018)
Clean Architecture is screaming by focusing on its core business purpose leaving frameworks and other details aside. -
Implementing Clean Architecture - An Overview (02 Feb 2018)
A brief overview on Uncle Bobs Clean Architecture you will find here. -
How to implement the Clean Architecture? (31 Jan 2018)
Uncle Bobs recent book Clean Architecture explains nicely how we should setup the architecture of our projects and which guidelines should drive our decisions. In theory this all sounds logical and easy but what happens when theory meets reality? -
Book Review: Clean Architecture (18 Dec 2017)
Brief review and summary of Uncle Bobs new book Clean Architecture.